Guest Post: The Healing Power of Forgiveness by Patrick Bailey

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a controversial word for many. A lot of people believe that forgiveness is something that should be given with a high level of skepticism, to avoid being taken advantage of. With numb and wary hearts, these people go through life in survival mode, having less ability to trust others and experience openness in relationships.

Why Forgiveness is Essential

We all have the notion that justice is hinged on forgiveness. Many people think that a person does not deserve forgiveness because of their wrongdoings. This assumption often happens when we see heinous crimes in the media, or when a loved one unexpectedly hurts us so deeply that it becomes hard to reconcile.

However, something we usually forget is that forgiveness is an inside job. Yes, it is an outward act to forgive somebody, but in a lot of instances, it is an act that promotes healing from within. Here are some reasons why forgiveness is important in your life.

Forgiveness releases you from pain

Holding on to anger and resentment can fill your mind with toxic thoughts. If you actively declare that you are not forgiving others and yourself, you choose to stick with emotions such as feeling hurt, victimized, while experiencing grief and contempt.

Imagine being under rainy clouds the whole day. For some time, it may feel satisfying to soak under that kind of weather. It is normal to go through the process of grief. At some point, you’ll start to dislike the rainy weather--it brings floods, gives you a gloomy mood, and you start to miss your old self.

Forgiveness allows you to step outside that rainy cloud and experience sunshine once and for all. It gives you the chance to choose peace rather than pain.

Forgiveness stops you from worrying

Aside from pain, another tormentor that unforgiveness brings is a constant worry. When you hold on to past mistakes by yourself and others, you always worry about the next instance you will experience the same events.

Stress is a trigger for many mental health problems and even substance abuse. The ultimate goal of therapy, as well as alcohol and drug recovery centers, is to pinpoint and manage the causes of stress in order to reduce mental health issues and addiction.

One of the stepping stones in being less worrisome is learning how to forgive. Sometimes, it is so difficult to forgive ourselves from things we have done, and we are so worried that we might make the same mistakes. Similarly, we may also stress constantly that other people might bring us down.

By learning to forgive, we can renew our trust in ourselves and others. It gives a fresh mindset that we can be open once again to the wonderful possibilities set before us.

Forgiveness teaches empathy

Empathy is often overlooked in a world growing in self-centeredness. We hear these mantras repeatedly: “Be unapologetically you,” “Express yourself”, “Make yourself a priority”. Although these are promoted with good intentions, going overboard with these mindsets often sets us up to hold on to the idea that we shouldn’t care about others.

Forgiveness helps us see how others hurt as well. When somebody wrongs us, it is easy to think that we are the only ones hurting in the situation. The truth is, there could be someone who’s in pain with regret over things they have done.

By letting others know you have forgiven them, you display empathy. You’ll see that all of us are connected in some way, and you have the power to heal through your words and actions of forgiveness.

Forgiveness helps you move forward

According to a survey found in Life Hack, 69% of people feel “stuck” in their mundane daily routines. It is also possible to feel stuck with the same old patterns of negative thinking or even a situation in life when we deal with unforgiveness.

Moving forward in life starts with our mindset. When we see life as a progression, rather than a routine cycle, this is the time where we see our pain in the past as an opportunity for growth. Growing as a person means you learn to accept the unfavorable things that have happened to you, but you see those experiences as something to gather strength from and say, “Hey, I’m still here!”. 

Learning to Forgive: One Step Closer to Healing

Learning to forgive is something easier said than done. It is also important to remember that forgiveness doesn’t mean forcing yourself to restore things as they once were. Forgiveness can be something that is done in private, without the intention of going back to an abusive relationship or a troublesome situation. 

Mainly, forgiveness should be done to release yourself of hurt and resentment, while letting others know that you’ve shown mercy to them as well. If you wish to dwell on the brighter side of life, consider forgiveness as your key. Change starts in yourself. Learning to forgive can help you heal and see the world in a positive light.


Author Bio: Patrick Bailey is a professional writer mainly in the fields of mental health, addiction, and living in recovery. He attempts to stay on top of the latest news in the addiction and the mental health world and enjoy writing about these topics to break the stigma associated with them.

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