Archive: New Year, New You, Same Problem?
Original release date: January 14, 2016
I hear the same thing every single year:
"New Year New Me!"
"Finally going to get my life together!"
"____ is my year!"
I'm not quite sure what it is that attracts so many people to change who they are the day after a all night bender, just because it's a new year. And come February, many are back to their same old self. Honestly, many would be more successful in their attempts if they solely focused on writing the correct year every time they wrote a date.
Instead of waiting for January 1st to come around, my suggestion is to make those small changes as they happen organically. And more importantly, make the change realistic.
For example, in November, you decide to cut off candy all together because Halloween hit you hard. Instead of going cold turkey and not ingesting sugar henceforth, why not try to limit snacking with candy to a few piece a day?Or, instead of focusing on limiting what you can't have, focus on what you can have. Instead of reaching for those Fuzzy Peaches, reach for a bag of carrots with some dip.
What if your resolution is to hit the gym hard to get them #gainz? Personally, I see this every year. Thousands flood into the gyms in January, go gung ho for a month, and then find themselves binge watching The Office before Valentine's day (Side note: I once saw a 'Resolutioner' working out in a very see-through wrestling singlet. Also, the Office is the greatest show of our lifetime) .
One may find it helpful to focus on going to the gym a few days a week and getting comfortable with their surroundings and the workload they're putting on their body before jumping into that extreme powerlifting routine, or hardcore spinning class.
The point of these resolutions is not to change everything immediately and hope for the best. Simply put, make smaller changes that you know you can stick to for life.